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Jiaozuo Libo Light Alloy Co., Ltd.

Industry News

It is essential for controlling pipeline risks

  • Author:Libo
  • Source:wm.voypictures.com
  • Date:2021-06-11
  • Click:0

Accident of pipe not only did the test and do test, the main reasons for the owners worry about which pipeline exist in stiletto steal point repair plugging of wedge may result in a pass card wall, worry about ball paraffin blockage, and pipeline hair collecting device and accessories not through the detector ability, therefore has not been test inside. In fact, from the current technology, so-called "non-piggable" pipe can be internally tested. By optimizing and adjusting the pig design, pigging process and taking effective pigging emergency protection, internal testing can be implemented without affecting the safety of pipeline transportation. And to remove the risk of the pipeline stuck point, itself is the pipeline hidden danger regulation. The next step is to carry out internal inspection on the pipeline, to be clear about the pipeline, to find out the large metal loss and to rectify it, and to control the risk within an acceptable range with integrity management, so as to avoid the occurrence of accidents.






